Rekorder (Trailer) - Cinemalaya 2013 Movie Entry

Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 05 Juli 2013 0 komentar

Mikhail Red, the son of veteran filmmaker Raymond Red, incorporates different forms of the digital medium and “found footage” for his full-length entry titled Rekorder. It features shifting perspectives from the handheld video camera of the main character to cell phone video from bystanders, to laptop webcam shots, to the various internetviral videos that will be shown as part of the film’s story, and even shots from security surveillance.

Ronnie Quizon is the lead character who makes a living by illegally recording movies in present day Manila. He routinely smuggles a digital camcorder into cinemahouses as a movie pirate. One night, he records something else and he gets into trouble when the footage goes viral. He becomes the target of a cat-and-mouse chase in Manila that ends with a climactic scene.

Ronnie’s character is a cameraman-turned-movie pirate who seeks redemption. His job is in jeopardy because more and more people are downloading movies from the Internet instead of buying fake DVDs. Earl Ignacio is cast as his employer.

Belinda Mariano, one of the stars of kiddie gag show Goin' Bulilit, is cast as the daughter of Ronnie Quizon's character.

The movie also stars Suzette Ranillo, Earl Ignacio, Mike Lloren, and Joe Gruta. Under the direction of Mikhail Red.

"Rekored" will be shown in CCP and selected Ayala Cinemas from July 26 to August 4, 2013 as part of Cinemalaya Film Festival Directors Showcase category.
Judul: Rekorder (Trailer) - Cinemalaya 2013 Movie Entry
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