Sarah Lahbati Faces Charges from GMA, Gets Search Warrant

Posted by Music Top SIte Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013 0 komentar

Sarah Lahbati Faces Charges from GMA, Gets Search Warrant

warrant of arrest against Sarah LahbatiMonths ago, issues regarding Sarah Lahbati leaving the country before her contract expires spread as she told she felt a lot of pressure from the side of GMA. And now, GMA counteracts it with a search warrant as charged with libel by the GMA Network. According to GMA Executive Atty. Abrogar, GMA and Sarah Lahbati had a fallout when Lahbati tweeted regarding the management of the network she belongs to.

Lahbati's last movie under the management is Seduction with Solenn Heusaff and Richard Gutierrez. The actress accused GMA Films president Annette Gozon-Abrogar about her management of deals. Makati Regional Trial Court issued the warrant and can only be enforced here in the country. Lahbati is currently in Switzerland so she can only be arrested when she arrive here in the Philippines. Trial will be pursued only if the warrant have been served to her here.

Lahbati went to Switzerland for a self-imposed vacation. Since then, she has gone AWOL even if she's still under GMA Network contract.

Judul: Sarah Lahbati Faces Charges from GMA, Gets Search Warrant
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