Pugad Baboy, Kicked Out of Inquirer

Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 07 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Its 25 years of patronage and loyalty didn't come out to be good for the Pugad Baboy comic strip after it was pulled out by the Philippine Daily Inquirer or PDI last Friday. The decision came about when the strip had offended some students from the exclusive girls' school St. Scholastica's College

In the June 4 issue, Pugad Baboy published the comic strip below, which told about hypocrisy of the Catholic church, the nuns and the administrators of the exclusive school, letting it to be lesbian-ladden.

Soon after publication, this went viral in different platforms of social media and alumni of the school expressed their views about the issue. Starting June 7, Pugad Baboy is already taken off the Comic Relief section. Pol Medina, the Pugad Baboy creator first published it in PDI in 1988.

It has always been the creator's way to express his disgust in various social issues including politics, media, corruption, crime and religion.

If you haven't see the Pugad Baboy St. Scholastica's College Lesbian Comic Strip, here it is:

Pugad Baboy St Scholastica Issue leads to the cancellation of comic strip

Judul: Pugad Baboy, Kicked Out of Inquirer
Ditulis oleh Music Top SIte
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