Charice's Mother, Raquel, Was Lesbian, Too!

Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 07 Juni 2013 0 komentar

Charice's Mother, Raquel, Was Lesbian, Too!

Turns out there's a twist in the story! Charice is currently regaining her popularity after coming out of the closet and what a shocking coincidence is that her mother is actually, a lesbian, too! Admitted by her grandmother, Charice has nothing to be ashamed of as her mother Raquel Pempengco was into relationship and affairs with women in the past.

Her grandmother told her, there ain't a thing to blame about her preference as Raquel had also taken girls in their home.

Raquel later on confirmed the news and said her mother had wanted her to marry and have kids so she got into a wedlock with Charice's father, the late Ricky Pempengco. When the grandmother found out how irresponsible and abusive Ricky was, she took them away from him and helped Raquel raise her kids.

Last week, Charice admitted she was lesbian. And her showbiz crush? Sarah Geronimo.
Judul: Charice's Mother, Raquel, Was Lesbian, Too!
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