Bonifacio Global City Bomb Threat: 2 Buildings Evacuated for Serious Bomb Threat Warning

Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 07 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Bonifacio Global City Bomb Threat: 2 Buildings Evacuated for Serious Bomb Threat Warning
The Serendra blast hasn't been forgotten yet but another panic rippled the Bonifacio Global City today with two bomb blast threats for separate building in Taguig. The reported bomb threat on Friday had employees and tenants of Marajo Tower and Net One Center Building leave their place due to precautionary measures. 
A phone call was received about the BGC bomb explosion set to happen today. According to the Explosive and Ordinance Division with K-9 units and the Bureau of Fire Protection, they rushed to the scene to investigate.  The authorities have found no traces of explosives in the area, however.
According to initial reports, the Bonifacio Global City BGC bomb threat was received at 1:54 PM by an admin staff in Cypress Call Center by Jenny Pagulayan. She then told it to the security.

Judul: Bonifacio Global City Bomb Threat: 2 Buildings Evacuated for Serious Bomb Threat Warning
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